New Playbook Outlines Research-Based Education Strategies for Spending Federal Recovery Funds

A Corporation-supported playbook by grantee FutureEd outlines 18 proven strategies for policymakers and education leaders to make wise use of federal recovery funds


After a year of profound disruption, the infusion of nearly $190 billion in federal American Rescue Plan funds offers the opportunity to rebuild a stronger education system. To support policymakers and education leaders as they consider how best to invest these new resources, Carnegie Corporation of New York grantee FutureEd has produced a COVID Relief Playbook identifying 18 research-based practices proven to advance student success. It also provides insights to support effective implementation, along with ratings to evaluate the relative strength of the research behind each recommended strategy. 

As part of its broader COVID-19 response, the Corporation supported this project in recognition of the urgent need to provide guidance to state and local policymakers as they work to reopen classrooms safely, invest in programs that accelerate learning, and deliver lasting improvements in educational opportunities for all students. 

The playbook highlights practices proven to strengthen instructional quality, enhance school climate, increase student attendance, or bolster student achievement, with some boosting outcomes in all four areas. All recommendations are aligned with federal guidance for how COVID-19 recovery funds should be spent, including the specific requirement that states and districts dedicate spending towards “evidence-based” interventions to address lost learning opportunities. 

The playbook is centered around four key priorities: 

Increasing Learning Time
Investments to support students’ academic, social, and emotional development through expanded learning time such as summer programs, extended school days, or mentoring and tutoring initiatives. 

Reengaging Students with School
Investments to reconnect students to school and foster strong relationships with families via programs such as home visits and collaborations with community partners.

Creating a Welcoming School Climate
Investments to upgrade facilities and foster a positive school climate such as the creation of an equitable discipline system and the provision of mental and physical health services to students. 

Building a Strong and Diverse Teacher Workforce 
Investments to ensure that every classroom has a great teacher who sets high expectations and believes in all students’ potential through interventions such as innovative staffing models, professional learning around teacher mindsets, and the use of high-quality curricular materials to support excellent instruction.  

In addition to producing the playbook, FutureEd has partnered with another Corporation grantee, The 74, to analyze state plans for federal recovery funds, with interactive maps highlighting what each state is doing to recuperate lost learning, foster a healthier school climate, and support innovative programs to improve student outcomes.

TOP: (Credit: SDI Productions/Getty Images)

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