The Wall Street Journal - Stopping an Undetectable Iranian Bomb

Washington and its allies must insist that Tehran verifiably stop increasing the number and quality of its centrifuges.

Iran’s nuclear program dominated last week’s meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A key challenge for both leaders: how to stop Iran’s rapid advance toward “critical capability.”

Critical capability means the point at which Iran could dash to produce enough weapons-grade uranium or separated plutonium for one bomb so quickly that the International Atomic Energy Agency or a Western intelligence service would be unable to detect the dash until it is over.

Read the article by David Albright, Mark Dubowitz, and Orde Kittrie in The Wall Street Journal.

The work of David Albright, is founder and President of the non-profit Institute for Science and International Security in Washington, D.C., is supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York.