Roland Kennedy, Jr.

Director of Grants Management

Roland Kennedy, Jr.

Roland Kennedy, Jr., is director of grants management. Prior to joining the Corporation, Kennedy led special projects and operations and served as internal liaison at Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Greenwood Initiative. During his time there, he helped transform a set of presidential campaign policies into a new philanthropic program focused on civic and economic justice for Black Americans, including accelerating the pace of wealth accumulation. Earlier for Bloomberg’s grants team, he led planning and operations for data governance projects and grantmaking portfolios for education, Bloomberg Connects, and Founder’s Projects.

His earlier work experience at the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Democracy Fund, and Democracy Fund Voice included 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) grantmaking for effective U.S. and international governance practice, media and journalism, international peace, and atrocity prevention, as well as a focus on elections and voting issues.

Kennedy earned his MS in international relations from Northeastern University and BA in global affairs from Villanova University.

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