Reducing The Threat Of Nuclear Weapons

The Nunn-Lugar Award for Promoting Nuclear Security is awarded biennially by Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to individuals or institutions whose work has resulted in clear, discernible progress toward strengthening global security and peaceful co-existence among nations, by preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons and reducing the risk of their use. The award is a tribute to Andrew Carnegie, who dedicated much of his philanthropy to the goal of achieving world peace; it carries a $50,000 prize.

All Awardees

2018: Former Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany

2016: Colonel General Evgeny Maslin, Russia | Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William J. Perry, United States

2015: Secretary of Defense Lord Desmond Browne, Great Britain​ | Minister Igor S. Ivanov, Russia

2012: Senator Richard Lugar, United States | Senator Sam Nunn, United States

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