Transforming Education for a Rapidly Changing World

To achieve equity, rigor, and relevance, practically everyone who plays a part in education must learn to act in new ways


At no point in our nation’s history have we asked so much of our education system as we do today — but we ask it because the future we aspire to requires it. Preparing all children for success requires greater attention to inclusiveness in the classroom, differentiation in teaching and learning, and universal high expectations.

Transforming Education for a Rapidly Changing World: Achieving Equity, Rigor, and Relevance through Human-Centered Systems Change, a prospectus from the Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Education program, explains the program’s goals, areas of focus, and strategies for promoting changes to ensure that all young people, regardless of their circumstances, are prepared to fully participate in a robust democracy and a global economy.

The vision paper aims to empower grantees and allied organizations and the full spectrum of educators, administrators, family members, and others who shape young people’s learning experiences as they progress toward and into adulthood. The knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for success today call for a vastly different set of learning experiences than may have sufficed in the past. Practically everyone who plays a part in education must learn to act in new ways.

Top: Third grader Ava Dweck of Las Vegas, Nevada, takes an online class at a friend's home during the first week of distance learning. (Credit: Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

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