Measure for Measure: A Critical Consumers' Guide to Reading Comprehension Assessments for Adolescents

Although millions of dollars and weeks of instructional time are spent nationally on testing students, educators often have little information on how to choose appropriate assessments of adolescent reading for informing instruction. This guide is designed to meet that need, by drawing together evidence about nine of the most commonly used, commercially available reading comprehension assessments and providing a critical view into the strengths and weaknesses of each. In so doing, we focus on the utility of assessments for the purposes of screening groups of students to identify those who struggle and diagnosing the specific needs of students who struggle. Motivated primarily by the many questions that we receive from principals, literacy coaches, and district curriculum leaders about diagnostic assessment for students in grades four through twelve, this guide aims to provide those decision-makers with the tools they need to make informed decisions.

Citation: Morsy, L.; Kieffer, M.; Snow, C.E. Measure for Measure: A Critical Consumers' Guide to Reading Comprehension Assessments for Adolescents (Carnegie Corporation of New York, 2009)

Program: Education