Lessons and Recommendations from the Alabama Reading Initiative: Sustaining Focus on Secondary Reading: A Report of the Carnegie Corporation of New York by the American Institutes for Research

Since 1998, the Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) has captured the attention of many who are interested in reading and educational reform. ARI has become known for its clear, committed, and widespread focus on a deep-rooted problem for many students namely, poor reading achievement. ARI epitomizes the concept of systemic reform by the involvement of and support from many diverse stakeholder groups. The Initiative spans the K-12 landscape and has created partnerships among schools, colleges, private organizations, and others. ARI continues to have the potential to change teacher practice, student motivation and attitudes toward literacy, and, ultimately, student achievement.

Citation: Bacevich, Amy; Salinger, Terry, Lessons and Recommendations from the Alabama Reading Initiative: Sustaining Focus on Secondary Reading: A Report of the Carnegie Corporation of New York by the American Institutes for Research ( Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research, 2006)

Program: Education