Grantee Report Highlights the Myth of Rising Numbers of Undocumented Immigrants

Grantee Report Highlights the Myth of Rising Numbers of Undocumented Immigrants.

Grantee Report Highlights the Myth of Rising Numbers of Undocumented Immigrants

The Center for Migration Studies of New York, a Carnegie Corporation grantee, recently made headlines with its report on the undocumented population in the United States. The findings concluded that the presumed upward trend of the undocumented population is a myth. In fact, the study reveals that quite the opposite is happening: the total U.S. undocumented population declined in 2014 as it has done since 2008, and is now hovering just below 11 million. These findings and others may have a significant effect on the dialogue around immigration in this election year.  Other findings of the paper that should inform the immigration debate are the growing naturalized citizen populations in almost every state and the fact that, since 1980, the legally resident foreign-born population from Mexico has grown faster than the undocumented population from Mexico.